Justice League Action Wiki

An alien super-villain, and leader of the Sinestro Corps.


Sinestro is seen as as a humanoid alien with reddish-purple skin and pointed ears, and wears his usual yellow-and-black costume with the Corps' symbol on the chest. Speaking with a stilted English accent, he is haughty and arrogant and shows utter contempt for his superhero opponents.

He wears a yellow 'Power Ring' on a finger of his right hand which is said to instil fear in others. In combat he uses it to project hard, yellow constructs of different forms. Examples are: ray blasts, a crossbow, a net and various scary beasts. One of the most elaborate is a giant 'mech' suit that can both resist attack and hit out at the superheroes. However, sometimes a simple mace will suffice.


Sinestro, being very powerful, is able to resist the blows of Superman and can also forcibly subdue more than one superhero at a time. For defense, he surrounds himself with a yellow 'aura' which must also enable him to breathe in space.

Like all Power Rings, his needs to be charged from a Lantern Battery, but, with the help of his microscopic minion Despotellis, Sinestro is able to rig a tiny Battery inside the ring to continually recharge it.

Sinestro's planet of origin, Korugar, is mentioned.


37. The Ringer



